Monday, February 14, 2011

اعتصامات في البحرين ، هل هي بداية نهاية العرش؟

There were many demonstrators in a number of villages like Bani-Jamra, Diraz, Karanna, Shakhura, Mugsha, Daih, Sannabis, Jidhafs, Bilad Alqadeem, Sitra, Maameer, Ekr, Nuwaidrat, Hamala, Karzakan and Almalikkiya. In addition to gatherings near Bahrain Mall, Dana Mall and others. ( Started from 2:00 PM , 14 FEB , 2011)

The riot police used tear gas and rubber bullets against the protesters in all the mentioned areas.

Every time the demonstrators regrouped they were attacked again with rubber bullets and tear gas.

The Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights has documented more than 20 cases in the hospital as a result of the use of force by the riot police.

The demonstrators were peaceful and were carrying the Bahraini flag.

Riot police attacking a peaceful demonstration in Diraz Village: