Thursday, March 10, 2011

Al-Tuwaijri : Facebook page for Saudi Arabia’s Chief of the Royal Court

The personal page, which is believed to have been live since Monday, has attracted a large number of the social networking website’s users from all over Saudi Arabia.

On his page, Al-Tuwaijri promises to listen to visitors’ requests, suggestions and to deliver their complaints to concerned authorities and decision makers.

A message on Al-Tuwaijri's Facebook page told of the reasons for joining the site.

“There is an unknown person who has used my name for their personal reasons, reasons that I do not know. May Allah forgive them,” said the message.

“My participation on Facebook is part of my duty to interact with the public, which is necessary these days at a time when people are trying to take advantage of my persona for their own personal objectives. Only Allah knows what they are.

“Today I am with all of you as a citizen, not as an official. I am here to hear from you and for you to hear from me with no barriers.”